Who Is Maureen Esisi, Blossom Chukwujekwu's Ex-wife?

Publish date: 2024-05-22

Maureen Esisi (born Sept 11, 1987, aged 36 years old) also known as Redvigor, is a fashion entrepreneur, socialite, and former wife of  Blossom Chukwujekwu, the Nigerian actor.

Maureen became a famous name when she tied the knot with the Nollywood actor in 2015. She became even more popular when her marriage with the actor hit the rocks in 2019. We’ll be taking a look at who she was before her marriage, how the marriage boosted her social profile, and what became of the dazzling entrepreneur when the dust of the divorce finally settled.

Summary of Maureen Esisi’s Biography

Where is Maureen Esisi From?

Maureen Esisi is from Anambra state. She was born on the 11th of September, 1987 into the family of Dr. and Mrs. Charles Okafor Esisi of Awka-Etiti in Idemili South LGA, Anambra State. A good portion of her early life was spent in her hometown in Anambra state

She moved to Lagos when she was a bit older and had her secondary education in the state; at Vivian Fowler Memorial Girls college to be precise. After that, she soon enrolled in the Heriot-Watt University of Scotland where she majored in Fashion design.

Redvigor Was Blossom Chukwujekwu’s Wife for Four Years

For the longest time, fans wondered who Redvigor was involved with. It was a huge delight to her fans when news of her relationship with Blossom Chukwujekwu first hit the Internet. Maureen who has always loved the attention of the media spilled the beans herself. She had confessed to initiating the first contact between them; as she sent him a direct message after she noticed that he liked a couple of her pictures.

The duo got talking and seemed to click almost instantly. A few months later, they announced their engagement. They had a beautiful traditional wedding ceremony in December 2015 and in October 2016 had a church wedding. The two ceremonies were graced by family and friends as well as notable actors in the movie industry.

The marriage was in its early days a happy one, the couple both posted pictures about their life together, vacations they went on as well as other events. In 2016, Maureen organized and staged a surprise birthday party for Blossom with all their friends present; leaving the actor very emotional, in the video that circulated on the internet.  Unfortunately, their marriage hit the rocks in 2019 leaving many of their fans in shock.

They Split in 2019 in a Chaotic Divorce

Fans of Maureen Esisi and Blossom Chukwujekwu were in dismay by the news that they were no longer together. Their divorce wasn’t an easy one, they had problems just like every other couple but from the look of things, the fashion entrepreneur didn’t see the divorce coming. According to reports, Blossom had opted out of the marriage but didn’t pass the information to his wife; he rather told her father who then broke the news to her.

At the time Maureen found out, Blossom had also moved out of their matrimonial home. Maureen interacted with the media and spoke to some sources too. This was when she revealed a lot of unpleasant information about her marriage. She had pointed accusing fingers at Blossom on grounds of domestic violence and infidelity.

The brand influencer inferred all these as well as countered Blossom’s reported claims of infidelity on her part. She also revealed that her ex never wanted kids, which was another reason for their separation. Maureen Esisi continued to spill more information about her failed marriage even after her ex-husband Blossom got married a second time, to his new wife Winifred Akhuemokhan.

In a question-and-answer session with fans on Instagram, Maureen said that deceit was the major reason why her marriage failed. She went on to add that she had not signed any divorce papers even as her ex had moved on. Blossom Chukwujekwu has not made any comments about their divorce the whole period.

The Couple Did Not have any Kids Together

Maureen Esisi never had any kids in her four-year marriage to Blossom nor did she have any before getting married. A lot of rumors have been flying around on the internet about this since they got married in 2015. The confusion is however understandable; Redvigor wished herself ‘happy mothers day’ on a certain occasion.

So many sources did not hesitate to run with the information as it was a juicy one. However, Maureen in fact wished herself happy mothers day as a woman that hopes to one day enjoy motherhood. She had also said that she would have had two kids if her marriage had worked.

The Brand Influencer Has Bounced Back after the Ugly Break-Up Saga

The difficult divorce indeed took its toll on her, but she has evidently healed. The occasional emotional outbursts on social media have died down and she seems to be pulling herself together again. Redvigor currently isn’t involved romantically with anybody.

She has emphasized that she is channeling all her energy into her business and into growing her page as a brand influencer. She had been off and on with her brand while the entire divorce drama had taken over her life.

But it seems the fashion entrepreneur is back in business after rediscovering herself. Maureen is fully back with her influencing business as evidently seen on her Instagram page. Although this has not been confirmed, sources report that she has reopened her fashion house after it had been closed for a long while.

Maureen Esisi Lost Her Father In 2022

Redvigor showed the most form of fortitude when she lost her father Dr. Charles Esisi to the cold hands of death in August 2022. His death was indeed a huge shock to her as they were really close.

It was another heartbreaking episode for Maureen who was in a low mood the whole period. He was buried on October 14, 2022. His burial came after the traditional wake-keep on October 6th.
