Tony Yengeni biography: age, car, new car, house and net worth

Publish date: 2024-05-22

The Cape Town-born ANC national executive committee member and freedom fighter Tony Yengeni is known as one of the political stalwarts in the country. However, there are several occasions where he had been accused of frauds and other cases that centre on corruption. In this article, we take a look at his background and entry into the political sector in his country. We also consider different issues that have been traced to him since he came to limelight as one of the notable members of the ruling party ANC.

Tony Yengeni started as one of the members of the Black Consciousness Movement (BCM) in which Steve Biko led at that time before he joined, in 1976, African National Congress (ANC). Because the government wanted to pull down anti-apartheid movements, he went into exile voluntarily before he met with Chris Hani in Lesotho and the duo became friends. After he became a member of South Africa's Parliament, he got an influential position for drumming up support for the ANC, and he chaired the Joint Standing Committee for Defence of the Parliament.

Tony Yengeni biography

Who is Tony Yengeni? Tony Sithembiso Yengeni is a South African politician who used to be an anti-apartheid activist. Born in Cape Town, Tony Yengen spent his childhood days in Nyanga and Gugulethu townships. In 1976, he joined the African National Congress (ANC) before he became a member of the armed wing known as Umkhonto we Sizwe. Upon the completion of his matriculation which was South African high-school diploma in Fort Beaufort, he had to leave the country as a member of Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK) in temporary voluntary exile.

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While in exile, he went through military training in Angola as well as some other countries in Southern Africa. After Tony was stationed in Lesotho for a year, he was deployed to Botswana, and it was in the Soviet Union where he studied political science in Moscow. He graduated with a diploma in 1982. After he got back to South Africa in 1986, he got an appointment as Western Cape's MK leader. And by 1987, he was arrested by the National Party government and was tried for charges of terrorism in 1989 alongside 13 others.

The case dragged for about 269 days, and a total of about R5m was spent. While he was under detention, Jeffrey Benzien tortured him. The unbanning of ANC by President FW de Klerk in 1990 led to the acquittance of eight people in Yengeni's team, although Yengeni with the remaining five were also discharged after a year with trials spanning for some months afterwards. At the expiration of the apartheid, Tony Yengeni became the ANC's secretary-general in the Western Cape before he got elected in 1994 into the Parliament.

Tony Yengeni served as a member from 1994 until 2003 in the ruling ANC party before his resignation in March 2003. Unfortunately for him, a fraud case on arms deal was traced to him, and he was found guilty. According to the findings, he was a central figure in the deal that held with the German Frigate Consortium where R1.4-billion was given to supply the South African navy four corvettes. There were also other top government officials that were traced to the scandal.

Tony Yengeni age

Tony Sithembiso Yengeni was born on the 11th of October, 1954 which makes him to be 64 years old; but he would be 65 years in a few months' time.

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Tony Yengeni family

Yengeni got married to Lumka Nyamza in 1984 who happens to be another ANC member at Lusaka in Zambia. However, there was a report in 2011 where he was accussed of splitting with his wife and that he moved with a young stockbroker. He was reported to shower various excessive gifts on the lady, including a convertible Jaguar and overseas trips.

Tony Yengeni cars

Yengeni is known to have a taste for the most beautiful things in life. He is especially known for his flashy cars and stylish clothing, particularly as a “Gucci socialist”. As a man of high taste, Tony does not settle for the common man's kind of cars but goes for what only a few rich ones can afford. For instance, in 1998, as published on, he registered a Mercedez Benz SUV 4x4 ML 320 in his name before he traded it for a Volvo C70 convertible in November 2001.

Moreover, in 2003, he traded the Volvo for a top-of-the-range Land Rover which Brett Kebble offered to buy for him. Then, in 2007, Tony was seen driving a BMW M5 before he got arrested for alleged drunken driving. He had also been seen driving Maserati and recently a luxury Mercedes Benz 4×4.

Tony Yengeni net worth

There is presently no information published about how much the ANC national executive committee member Tony Yengeni is worth.

Tony Yengeni twitter

Tony Tornado Yengeni's twitter account has been a significant platform through which he airs his opinions on national issues of concern in the country. In one of his recent posts, Yengeni asked in a tweet, while indirectly inferring to how Ramaphosa was being treated, “What happened when Zuma was found to have violated the constitution and his oath of office?”

In another post, he went to slam people that were asking about why there was no investigation carried out on the donations that was made to one of the prominent opponents of Ramaphosa ahead of the Nasrec conference that held in 2017.

Following all the issues that surround the life of Tony Yengeni, a popular image with which he was known for was that of prison, and that is because of different occasions where he had to spend nights behind bars. However, among his political family members of ANC, he is referred to as one of the heroes of the party based on various contributions that he had made to ensure its progress.

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