Why WWE Referee Charles Robinson Is Called "Lil Naitch", Explained

Publish date: 2024-05-21

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Charles Robinson has been refereeing professional wrestling on television for about the last 25 years. He was promoted to WWE SmackDown senior official in 2020, and has served as the ref for a number of major matches, including the final WCW Nitro match between Ric Flair and Sting, as well as the WrestleMania 26 "Career vs Streak" match between The Undertaker and Shawn Michaels. He also famously and hilariously sprinted down the long ramp at WrestleMania 24 after the official was taken out during the match between The Undertaker and Edge.

Robinson grew up a huge fan of Ric Flair, and had the opportunity to work very closely with him in WCW in 1999. So close, in fact, that Robinson took on a Doppelganger Flair persona of "Lil' Naitch." And it sure was a hoot.

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Charles Robinson Once Went To Ric Flair's Home To Try And Start a Fan Club

Robinson discussed the origins of Lil' Naitch in early 2020 while he was a guest on the Primetime With Sean Mooney podcast. He initially met Flair after a show, and got a photo and an autograph, but when Robinson wanted to start a Ric Flair fan club, he had the stones to go directly to Ric Flair's home.

"I didn’t know about all the corporate things going on in WCW and such that you had to… you just can’t do that stuff. They own all the rights to that, but Ric was very, very nice. He did not have me arrested. He actually showed me the gym in his garage which was awesome, but for someone just to show up on your doorstep like that, hell, it was pretty amazing.”

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Charles Robinson Became The Personal Ref Of The Four Horsemen And Lil' Naitch Was Born

Robinson officially signed with WCW in late 1997, but he started gaining notoriety after turning heel in early 1999. He began favoring Flair and The Four Horsemen in all of their matches, and essentially became their personal ref. It was only a matter of time before a wrestler would stand up to Robinson's antics, and that was longtime Flair foe, "Macho Man" Randy Savage. Flair was WCW President at the time, and he had (kayfabe) suspended Savage. So, Savage then proposed a match between his girlfriend, Gorgeous George, and Robinson. If George won, Savage would be reinstated.

At Slamboree 1999, Robinson strutted his way down the ramp to Ric Flair's music, complete with a bedazzled "Lil' Naitch" robe and a fresh tan. His hair was already similar to Flair's, and he had it styled exactly the same, as Flair and his valet Aysa accompanied Lil' Naitch to the ring. Robinson also had the Flair facial expressions and mannerisms down pat -- it was really quite impressive. Lil' Naitch even cut a promo before the match, telling Gorgeous George that once he beat her, he was going to scoop her up in his arms, and she was going to ride Space Mountain all night long.

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Unfortunately, for Lil' Naitch, it did not come to fruition as Gorgeous George got the win after some interference from Savage. Macho Man slammed Robinson, and GG followed up with her own version of the flying elbow drop to pick up the W. Surprisingly, the match lasted 10:39, and it wasn't that bad. They definitely leaned into the comedy and ridiculousness, and put together a pretty entertaining match, with Lil' Naitch emulating Flair to a T.

Lil' Naitch would put on the wrestling boots one more time the following week, teaming with Flair in a tag match against Savage and Madusa. Unfortunately, Savage hit Robinson with an elbow drop that cracked his vertebrae and collapsed a lung. Sadly, that was the end of Lil' Naitch, but Robinson deserves a heck of a lot of credit for nailing the role.
