We Treat the Blindness | Strange Boutique Lyrics, Meaning & Videos

Publish date: 2024-05-21

We Treat the Blindness
Strange Boutique Lyrics

Jump to: Overall Meaning ↴  Line by Line Meaning ↴Waiting we fall in our circles
Flying silent on winged egos
Experience is the key
To wake up with all the poverty day in day in
We can only touch the Surface
We calm the Temper not the Rage
We treat the Blindness not the Plague
Stumbling over the broken wills Feeling for the way out
Our eyes became golden
Black holes we swallowed only what we could touch
The moment then lost
Or if we could just fade away for the time to pass us by
We can only touch the Surface
We calm the Temper not the Rage
We treat the Blindness not the Plague

Experience is the key
To understand is live in poverty

Overall Meaning

The lyrics to Strange Boutique's song "We Treat the Blindness" speak about the struggle for understanding and peace in a world of chaos and poverty. The opening lines, "Waiting we fall in our circles, Flying silent on winged egos" suggest a sense of repetition and detachment from the world around us, as we move through life without truly engaging with our experiences. The next line, "Experience is the key," suggests that in order to truly understand and overcome the challenges we face, we must be willing to engage with and learn from our experiences, particularly those that are difficult or challenging.

As the song progresses, the idea of blindness becomes a key theme, with the lyrics "We can only touch the Surface, We treat the Blindness not the Plague." Here, the idea of treating blindness is less about a physical ailment and more about a metaphorical blindness - a lack of understanding and empathy for those around us who are struggling. The lyrics "We calm the Temper not the Rage" suggest that while it may be difficult to change the world around us, we can work to control our own reactions and responses.

The final lines of the song, "Our eyes became golden, Black holes we swallowed only what we could touch" suggest a sense of disillusionment or detachment from the world, as we struggle to make sense of our experiences. The final line, "To understand is to live in poverty," suggests that true understanding often comes at a cost, requiring us to confront uncomfortable truths and difficult realities.

Line by Line Meaning

Waiting we fall in our circles
We often find ourselves stuck in our own routines and patterns, not moving forward or changing our ways.

Flying silent on winged egos
We may feel confident and self-assured, but our egos can also hold us back and keep us from truly connecting with others.

Experience is the key
The only way to truly understand the world around us is through our own experiences and interactions.

To wake up with all the poverty day in day in
Some people are forced to face the harsh realities of financial struggles and poverty every single day, without respite.

We can only touch the Surface
We may think we understand something, but we are often only scratching the surface and there is much more to uncover.

We calm the Temper not the Rage
It is easier to address temporary anger or annoyance, but deeper-seated rage and frustration must be dealt with differently.

We treat the Blindness not the Plague
We tend to focus on alleviating symptoms rather than addressing the root cause of a problem.

Stumbling over the broken wills
We encounter many obstacles and setbacks in life, often due to the failure or abandonment of others.

Feeling for the way out
When faced with difficulties, we often need to try different approaches or feelings to find a solution or escape route.

Our eyes became golden
We become enamored with our own successes and achievements, losing sight of the bigger picture.

Black holes we swallowed only what we could touch
We tend to focus on the tangible and physical aspects of life, neglecting the emotional or intangible.

The moment then lost
Sometimes the best moments in life slip away too quickly or are lost to memory.

Or if we could just fade away for the time to pass us by
We sometimes wish to disconnect from the present and passively let time move forward without us.

Experience is the key
The only way to truly understand the world around us is through our own experiences and interactions.

To understand is live in poverty
By seeking to truly understand the struggles and experiences of others, we can gain empathy and perspective, even if it may bring us some discomfort or hardship.

Contributed by Kaelyn C. Suggest a correction in the comments below.

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