Shawn Oakman: What Happens With Baylor Football Player Shawn Oakman

Publish date: 2024-05-21

Shawn Oakman became famous as a top football player for the Baylor Bears. But his career abruptly changed when he was charged with a crime. 

His fate was very promising. He has left fans wondering whether he will return to the NFL and what went wrong. 

Be here to know Shawn Oakman’s life in this blog post, covering his net worth, height, weight, and other details. Let’s get going!

What happened to Shawn Oakman?

Shawn Oakman was taken into custody. He was charged with sexual assault in April 2016. The accusations against him were severe. And there was lots of press about that.

Oakman maintained his innocence throughout his trial. But ultimately, he could be convicted in February 2020.

The former defensive end for University was guilty of sexual assault. And he was sentenced to ten years of probation. Sexual offender registration was mandatory. 

Oakman’s college football career ended with the verdict, as he had been getting ready for the NFL draught before he was arrested. Before his arrest, Oakman was preparing for the draught.

His legal issues damaged his chances of playing in the National Football League. Even he was one of the most promising talents in collegiate football. 

Which team will allow him to become a regular player is still determined.

This development, which may have left several fans feeling let down. It is an important warning like everyone else. Athletes are subject to the prospect of being accused of a crime.

A grand jury in McLennan County indicted Shawn Oakman, a former defensive lineman for Baylor University.  It was declared On one count of sexual assault on Wednesday about an incident that happened in April. 

When reporting on the indictment, Tim Gryphon of the San Antonio Express-News highlighted that Oakman had informed police detectives during the investigation that it was consensual contact. 

Gryphon also mentioned that Oakman was the one who initiated the encounter.

When discussing “other unrelated events, ” Tuegel refers to the widespread sexual assault scandal uncovered at Baylor. 

According to a story by Bruce Tomaso of the Dallas Morning News, the scenario has resulted in at least three football players being charged with sexual assault since 2014. 

Victims of rape “say the school ignored repeated warnings” about the issue.

The Board of Regents of Baylor University announced major changes in May. The announcement was due to “significant concerns about the tone and culture within Baylor’s football program.” 

Art Briles, the head football coach of the school, was placed on indefinite suspension before being terminated, and Ken Starr was ousted from his position as president of the school.

According to Jim Vertuno of the Associated Press, in June, Briles gave a response in which he accused the institution of engaging in wrongful termination. 

In addition, he requested separate representation in a federal action brought against the school and himself in connection with the controversy.

Following a San Antonio Express-News report, the football player whose Waco home was allegedly associated with the alleged incident had linens and comforters removed as part of the investigation into the allegation made against Oakman.

Due to the arrest, he received two weeks earlier, Oakman, once considered one of the most promising prospects, did not get picked in the late April 2016 NFL draught. 

As the investigation has progressed, he has never been charged with a crime.

Is Shawn Oakman going to the NFL?

Therefore, everyone is wondering if Shawn Oakman will play in the NFL. Regarding his future in football, there has yet to be an indication. Before his legal issues, he was a highly anticipated prospect, but it is still being determined whether any teams will take a chance on him in light of the recent developments.

Despite what happens to Oakman’s football career in the future, the charges against him have damaged his reputation. 

It is a crucial reminder that athletes must always act honorably and with respect for other people, both on and off the pitch.
