Marriage Ends In Tears After 12 Days - k-entertainment general discussion

Publish date: 2024-05-21

Lee Min-young & Lee Chan


Another celebrity couple have broken up amid mutual accusations. The actress Lee Min-young says her separation from Lee Chan a mere 12 days after they tied the knot was due to his violent behavior, but the husband denies this.

Lee Min-young’s lawyer Kim Jae-cheol on Monday said Lee Chan hit the actress in the stomach and nose during a quarrel in their car about the makeover of their new home on Dec. 19, two days after they returned from their honeymoon. The actress was 15 weeks pregnant at the time. Lee Min-young stared bleeding in the womb. She saw a doctor next day but miscarried and underwent surgery on Dec. 21, the lawyer said.

The lawyer says the actress sustained multiple injuries including bruises on her left eye. He said she had been beaten by her husband several times before they married, adding he was collecting evidence of habitual violence.

Lee Chan, who is also an actor, in a press release Monday said he and his wife slapped each other on the cheek during an argument. But he said the allegation that he kicked her stomach was "a complete lie."



Lee Chan


Lee Min-Young

On Tuesday, Lee Min-young spoke to reporters from her hospital bed for 20 minutes, having undergone reconstructive surgery on her nose. The actress alleged she miscarried after being kicked in the stomach by Lee Chan, who had beaten her several times even before their marriage. Lee said she believed he would become a different man after marriage but was bitterly disappointed. At his own press conference the same evening, Lee Chan denied the accusations. He admitted he and his wife slapped each other’s faces several times. But he said he had never beaten or kicked her unprovoked. Lee Min-young plans to bring charges against her ex-husband.

The two actors’ stories differ widely. Min-young told reporters Lee Chan hit her on the head and face dozens of times and drove their car while clutching her hair in his hand. According to the actress, Lee Chan then kicked her in the stomach and dumped her in the street. Lee Chan admits hitting her during an argument in the car but said he neither dragged her nor kicked her in the stomach, causing the miscarriage. In an e-mail on Monday, he said he slapped his wife when she said, “You’ve only become famous thanks to me” during a quarrel. He said she slapped him back, and so it went back and forth seven or eight times.

However, Lee Min-young said trifling arguments always ended in violent behavior by Lee Chan, even before they married. According to her lawyer, the actress started bleeding in the womb after being beaten by Lee Chan and was told by doctors that the fetus had died on Dec. 20. She underwent surgery next day. Lee Chan says the allegation that he kicked her in the stomach was "a complete lie." In an e-mail, he said Lee Min-young called him on Dec. 21, two days after the violent incident, to tell him she was going to have surgery at 1 p.m., and hung up.

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Ouch, I heard that she had to get her nose done because of hit her in the face.

I wouldn't want such a violent husband!

AHHH.. Hope everything works out for them =/
