BlackBoxWarrior - OKULTRA | Will Wood Lyrics, Meaning & Videos

Publish date: 2024-05-21

Will Wood Lyrics

Jump to: Overall Meaning ↴  Line by Line Meaning ↴Well he collapsed with Stevens-Johnson Syndrome on the E.R. Floor
Panic attacked, anaphylactic and ataxic
Well the way he spun his butterfly
Risked all six his phalanges
Roman candles at both ends of his synapses
And the method with which he recycled his humours
Trojan horse'd his blood-brain barrier
And raised the LD-50, yes, yes And through flight-or-fight revelation shame
The black box warrior
He skipped this town and headed straight down history

Shields himself from reason in a kevlar baby-blue tuxedo
Quilted from the finest fibres, flesh and fiberglass and flowers
Ego a mosquito
Evil incarnate, good incognito
Pops placebos for libido
Screaming "bless the torpedoes"

For what? For what?
For what it's worth
If it was gonna kill you boy, it would have by now
For what? For what?
For what it's worth
There's no more looking back, it's looking up or looking down

Well he was wearing stolen rubber shoes and wrapped a poison ivy noose
Around his lotus jugular when they came
Well they found him with a map to every victim of his love
And a tattoo of a blue jay on his face
And they waited for his vital signs to lie and let a flatline cry
A hymn out in hungarian harmonic
But he cocked his noggin, through his stoma, sang for auld lang syne
Happy birthday to the succulents, I'll die your hydroponics

His ribcage was a hornet's nest
Palpitations set the beat
His vagus nerve a turk's head knot, an axel hitch, a carrick bend
He wondered if christ-consciousness would charge a cancellation fee
Auf wiedersehen, au revoir
He gripped his wits right by their ends

For what? For what?
For what it's worth
If it was gonna kill you boy, it would have by now
For what? For what?
For what it's worth
There's no more looking back, it's looking up or looking down

Hello, welcome
Why don't you take a seat?
Get comfortable, relax, take a second if you need to
Now what's bothering you?
Well, why don't we start at the beginning?
Growing up, how was your relationship with the fundamentals of conscious existence?
Did you have xenon orchid sinews
Spilling down the outer center of your blooming Escher/Mandelbrot head?
And how about claustrophillic tendrils
Clapping caskets closed on seven-knuckled thumbs
Did you get along well with the Gideon Bugler pineal glands
Your projector eyes casting sci-fis on your STR'd strands?
Tell me about your nerves to steal nerves of steel
From under Bacchus' bloody nose
Did Namibian Himbas tie-dye you
Your ears pierced with a Phineas Gage flagpole
Did you die before your day?
Thursday traction, Tuesday Titration
My hope is to assess through my objective report
Of your subjective conjecture
Whether this proprietary blend of expertise
And seasoning works as well as this transorbital ice pick
Holistic ballistics, you got a better idea?
It's about the best we could come up with
What, do you think ideas spread because they're good?
No, they spread because people like them
So here we are once again
Holding, as it were, a mirror up to your mirror
I guess it's just something people do

A bloody knife to split your infrastructure
Wine to rev your motor function
Coital machinations of the dead
Well you mainline your animus
Karate chop your abacus
And learn to be an animal instead
But I never did think you better than this
Your modus operandi causes nazi skoptysizm and suicide
Why to thine own self be true when it is you who are the problem
Not the things you do but something sick inside
Lithium and dialectics
Boy, you really is defective
Cbt don't seem effective for that cluster B, accept it
Offer up your innocence
Please ignore the side effects
You've lost your mind and almost lost your life before, so you'll be fine

For what? For what?
For what it's worth
If it was gonna kill you boy, it would have by now
For what? For what?
For what it's worth
There's no more looking back
And why would you want to look back
I mean, it's no good looking back, so try to look forward now
For what? For what?
For what it's worth
If they were gonna get you boy, they would have by now
For what? For what?

For what it's worth
There's no more looking back, it's looking up or looking down

Overall Meaning

The lyrics of Will Wood's BlackBoxWarrior explore the life and demise of a troubled individual who rejects reason and instead immerses himself in a self-destructive lifestyle. The opening lines describe how the singer collapses on the floor due to Stevens-Johnson Syndrome and experiences a panic attack, anaphylaxis, and ataxia. The song then delves into the singer's risk-taking behavior, such as spinning a butterfly knife and treating his body like a laboratory by mixing and recycling bodily fluids. The lyrics mention how he skips town and heads straight down history, suggesting the singer is aware of his ultimate fate.

The second stanza describes the singer's attempt to shield himself from reason by wearing a kevlar baby-blue tuxedo that is quilted from the finest fibers and is a blend of flesh, fiberglass, and flowers. His ego is compared to a mosquito, and he constantly pops placebos for libido. The lyrics mention him screaming "bless the torpedoes" for no apparent reason. The chorus repeats the line "For what it's worth" and suggests that if it was going to kill him, it would have by now. The singer is urged to move forward as there is no more looking back.

The final stanza describes how the singer wears stolen rubber shoes and wraps a poison ivy noose around his lotus jugular before being found with a map of every victim of his love and a tattoo of a blue jay on his face. He sings for "auld lang syne" through his stoma despite his vital signs lying, and they wait for his flatline to cry a hymn out in Hungarian harmony. The lyrics touch on mental health issues such as "xenon orchid sinews," "claustrophillic tendrils," and "Namibian Himbas tie-dye." The singer is asked to talk about his nerves to steal nerves of steel and whether he had a relationship with the fundamentals of conscious existence while growing up. The song ends with the singer being urged to look forward and not back, as there is no more looking back.

Line by Line Meaning

Well he collapsed with Stevens-Johnson Syndrome on the E.R. Floor
He had a medical emergency and collapsed in the E.R. due to Stevens-Johnson Syndrome.

Panic attacked, anaphylactic and ataxic
He experienced panic, anaphylactic shock, and lack of coordination.

Well the way he spun his butterfly
He spun his butterfly knife in a mesmerizing manner.

Risked all six his phalanges
He risked injuring all six of his fingers.

Roman candles at both ends of his synapses
His synapses were overactive and on fire, like roman candles.

And the method with which he recycled his humours
He had a unique way of recycling his emotions and bodily fluids.

Trojan horse'd his blood-brain barrier
He found a sneaky way to bypass his blood-brain barrier.

And raised the LD-50, yes, yes
He increased the lethal dose of a substance, surpassing its normal limit.

And through flight-or-fight revelation shame
He experienced shame caused by the instinctive response of fight-or-flight.

The black box warrior
He became a warrior, but hidden behind a black box of secrets.

He skipped this town and headed straight down history
He left the town behind and ventured into the annals of history.

Shields himself from reason in a kevlar baby-blue tuxedo
He protects himself from rationality by wearing an impenetrable baby-blue tuxedo.

Quilted from the finest fibres, flesh and fiberglass and flowers
His tuxedo is made from the finest materials, combining human flesh, fiberglass, and flowers.

Ego a mosquito
His ego is insignificant, like a mosquito.

Evil incarnate, good incognito
He embodies evil, while keeping his goodness hidden.

Pops placebos for libido
He takes placebo pills to boost his sexual desire.

Screaming 'bless the torpedoes'
He passionately yells 'bless the torpedoes' as a form of encouragement.

For what? For what? For what it's worth
Regarding the previous actions and situations, what is their value and significance?

If it was gonna kill you boy, it would have by now
If something was going to kill him, it would have already done so.

There's no more looking back, it's looking up or looking down
There is no point in dwelling on the past; one should focus on the future or accept the consequences.

Well he was wearing stolen rubber shoes and wrapped a poison ivy noose
He wore stolen rubber shoes and created a noose made of poison ivy.

Around his lotus jugular when they came
He had the poison ivy noose around his sensitive jugular vein when they arrived.

Well they found him with a map to every victim of his love
He was discovered with a map indicating all the people he had affected with his love.

And a tattoo of a blue jay on his face
He had a blue jay tattooed on his face.

And they waited for his vital signs to lie and let a flatline cry
They patiently waited for his vital signs to deceive them and indicate a flatline.

A hymn out in hungarian harmonic
A Hungarian harmonic hymn was sung.

But he cocked his noggin, through his stoma, sang for auld lang syne
But he tilted his head, sang through his stoma, and reminisced about the past.

Happy birthday to the succulents, I'll die your hydroponics
He wishes succulent plants a happy birthday and offers to provide them with hydroponic care even after his death.

His ribcage was a hornet's nest
His ribcage was chaotic and buzzing like a hornet's nest.

Palpitations set the beat
His irregular heartbeat determined the rhythm.

His vagus nerve a turk's head knot, an axel hitch, a carrick bend
His vagus nerve was twisted and tangled like various knots, affecting his bodily functions.

He wondered if christ-consciousness would charge a cancellation fee
He questioned whether achieving a higher level of consciousness would come at a cost.

Auf wiedersehen, au revoir
He bid farewell with 'auf wiedersehen' and 'au revoir'.

He gripped his wits right by their ends
He held onto his sanity tightly, almost losing it.

Hello, welcome
Greetings and a warm welcome.

Why don't you take a seat?
Please have a seat and make yourself comfortable.

Get comfortable, relax, take a second if you need to
Make yourself comfortable, relax, and don't rush.

Now what's bothering you?
What is the issue or concern that is troubling you?

Well, why don't we start at the beginning?
Let's begin our discussion from the very start.

Growing up, how was your relationship with the fundamentals of conscious existence?
During your childhood, how did you perceive and understand the basic principles of conscious existence?

Did you have xenon orchid sinews spilling down the outer center of your blooming Escher/Mandelbrot head?
Did you possess intricate and mysterious sinews flowing through the core of your complex and unique mind?

And how about claustrophillic tendrils clapping caskets closed on seven-knuckled thumbs
Did you experience suffocating and tightly wrapped tendrils closing the lids of coffins with seven-knuckled thumbs?

Did you get along well with the Gideon Bugler pineal glands
Did you have a harmonious relationship with the mysterious Gideon Bugler pineal glands?

Your projector eyes casting sci-fis on your STR'd strands?
Did your eyes act as projectors, creating science fiction fantasies on your highly structured strands?

Tell me about your nerves to steal nerves of steel from under Bacchus' bloody nose
Share your experiences of having the audaciousness to steal courage and bravery from Bacchus, the god of wine.

Did Namibian Himbas tie-dye you
Did the Himba people from Namibia leave a colorful and vibrant impression on you?

Your ears pierced with a Phineas Gage flagpole
Did you experience a traumatic event that pierced your ears like a flagpole, similar to Phineas Gage's accident?

Did you die before your day?
Did you experience a premature death or near-death experience?

Thursday traction, Tuesday Titration
Dealing with challenging situations and adjusting doses on specific days of the week.

My hope is to assess through my objective report of your subjective conjecture
I aim to evaluate and analyze your subjective beliefs and ideas through my objective report.

Whether this proprietary blend of expertise and seasoning works as well as this transorbital ice pick
To determine if this unique combination of knowledge and experience is effective, just like a transorbital ice pick.

Holistic ballistics, you got a better idea?
Exploring all aspects and factors, do you have a better plan or suggestion?

It's about the best we could come up with
It's the best solution or approach we could think of.

What, do you think ideas spread because they're good?
Do you believe that ideas become popular solely because they are good?

No, they spread because people like them
No, ideas become popular because people are attracted to them.

So here we are once again
Here we are, repeating a familiar situation.

Holding, as it were, a mirror up to your mirror
Presenting a reflection of your own reflection, metaphorically.

I guess it's just something people do
I suppose it's a common behavior or tendency of people.

A bloody knife to split your infrastructure
A metaphorical bloody knife used to divide or destroy your foundation or structure.

Wine to rev your motor function
Using wine to stimulate and enhance your motor skills and abilities.

Coital machinations of the dead
Engaging in sexual activities with the lifeless or deceased.

Well you mainline your animus
You directly inject your animus or aggressive energy.

Karate chop your abacus
Engaging in violent and unexpected actions towards something rational or logical.

And learn to be an animal instead
Embracing and adopting an instinctual and primal nature.

But I never did think you better than this
I never believed that you could stoop to such a low level.

Your modus operandi causes nazi skoptysizm and suicide
Your way of operating leads to extreme ideologies and self-destruction.

Why to thine own self be true when it is you who are the problem
Why should you be truthful to yourself when you are the root cause of the issues?

Not the things you do but something sick inside
It's not your actions, but rather something internally twisted or unhealthy.

Lithium and dialectics
The use of lithium and philosophical reasoning.

Boy, you really is defective
You, boy, are truly flawed or malfunctioning.

Cbt don't seem effective for that cluster B, accept it
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy does not appear to be effective for managing Cluster B personality disorders, accept this fact.

Offer up your innocence
Sacrifice your innocence or naivety.

Please ignore the side effects
Disregard any negative consequences or results.

You've lost your mind and almost lost your life before, so you'll be fine
You have experienced mental breakdowns and near-death situations in the past, so you will manage and recover.

If they were gonna get you boy, they would have by now
If others were planning to harm or capture you, they would have done so already.

There's no more looking back, it's looking up or looking down
There is no point in dwelling on the past; one should focus on the future or accept the consequences.

Lyrics © O/B/O DistroKid
Written by: Will Wood

Lyrics Licensed & Provided by LyricFind

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