Will Jerry Lawler Ever Return To Commentary?

Publish date: 2024-05-20

With John Bradshaw Layfield leaving SmackDown Live, Jerry "The King" Lawler was asked during this week's Dinner With The King podcast if the WWE had reached out to him to replace JBL.

Lawler indicated that he didn't get a call from the WWE, but that he would have been willing to fill in and help them out. He even admitted that if they wanted him to come back as a full-time commentator, that it would be hard for him to say no.

"Umm, no. But if they did, I missed the call. I was more than happy to come back to fill in for Booker T on Raw when the hurricane kept him from being able to be at the show. But if they were to call me and ask me to come back on a full-time basis, it would be a really, really tough decision to make. If they said I was going to make the same money as I did before, that would go a long way in making me consider going back again."


It would be great to have The King ringside at a WWE event, but I don't see it happening given the fact that he's 67 years-old and has had some health issues in the past. He needs to take it easy.

Layfield wasn't the only big piece of news from the WWE though, this week, WWE announced the USA Network is forcing the WWE to host Raw on Christmas night since it falls on a Monday night. Lawler made it clear he wouldn't wrestle on Christmas and doesn't agree with the move.

"I would never wrestle on Christmas. That's almost sacrilegious to me. I wouldn't do it."

Lawler even chimed in with his thoughts on Sasha Banks saying that her fans are stalkers for finding out when she's arriving at an airport or hotel in order for them to see her.

"You can't be offended or get mad at them when you accomplished what you set out to do, and that's be famous. So I think Sasha Banks needs to step back and think about what Bubba Ray Dudley says, because they will be a day when nobody is waiting for an autograph, and you'll wish you were back in the way it is now. But you gotta stop and for just a minute and explain that you will try to come back later or you'll trying to eat your pizza while it's hot. You can't just ignore them. If you take a little time and be nice to those fans, that usually works out for the best.

"There are stalkers out there, people who can be dangerous out there. I'm looking at it from my own, male perspective. But Sasha is looking at it from her perspective. I understand both points of view though."

It was definitely an interesting podcast that covered a lot of content. What do you think of Lawler's comments? Would you like to see him return to the announce table?
