No Wind Resistance | Kinneret Lyrics, Meaning & Videos

Publish date: 2024-05-20

No Wind Resistance
Kinneret Lyrics

Jump to: Overall Meaning ↴  Line by Line Meaning ↴I don't know how it ends, I can't see it in the distance
But can you ever reach the end of a timeless existence?

I'll bet ya I can run faster with no wind resistance
I'll fly under no conditions
Teach myself complete submission
While I grant myself complete permission

Just imagine being human
Hating your confusion
Denying 'til it's proven
Laughing at illusion
Thinking institution's the solution
While tyranny and irony float in its pollution
Imagine reducing yourself to your name
Janet, you've got no one else you can blame
You've suck all your consciousness inside of your brain
So now you just shoot stuff inside of your veins
So go ahead and find your meaning
With your methamphetamine
And once you can see that you've trapped all your grace
Maybe you'll join me and girl we can race

I'll bet ya I can run faster with no wind resistance
I'll fly under no conditions
Teach myself complete submission
While I grant myself complete permission

No streets, receipts
Off-beat heartbeats
Just window seats
For free, for free

I've been here sixty years and I'm still not bored
There's absolutely nothing that I can't afford
And I've found that almost everything is made of cardboard
And there's absolutely nothing I can't sing with weird chords and

I can run faster with no wind resistance
I'll fly under no conditions

Teach myself complete submission
While I grant myself complete permission

Overall Meaning

The song "No Wind Resistance" by Kinneret talks about the uncertainty of life and how we can never truly predict how it will end. The opening line speaks to this uncertainty, as the singer confesses to not knowing how it all ends or what lies ahead, suggesting that time is an endless void where existence continues without a definite destination.

The second verse is a critique of modern society, where people often turn to drugs to cope with their struggles. The singer speaks to someone named Janet, who has sought refuge in substance abuse, denying her problems and blaming them on something else. The singer urges Janet to break free from this cycle and find new meaning in life, hinting at the idea of running away to create a new life.

The chorus is a declaration of self-empowerment, with the singer stating that they can run and fly without any barriers. They plan to turn themselves over to complete submission while granting themselves the freedom to do whatever they desire. The final verse describes the singer's indifference to the material wealth they have amassed in life, as they see everything as temporary and ephemeral, except for their music.

Line by Line Meaning

I don't know how it ends, I can't see it in the distance
It's impossible to predict the end of existence.

But can you ever reach the end of a timeless existence?
It's impossible to reach the end of something that exists forever.

I'll bet ya I can run faster with no wind resistance
Without resistance, I can excel beyond any limitation.

I'll fly under no conditions
I will rise above any situation without being held back by anything.

Teach myself complete submission
I will surrender fully to myself and trust my own abilities.

While I grant myself complete permission
I will allow myself to do anything I want without holding back.

Just imagine being human
Consider what it's like to be alive and aware of your own existence.

Hating your confusion
Feeling frustrated about the lack of clarity in life.

Denying 'til it's proven
Refusing to believe something until there is evidence to support it.

Laughing at illusion
Finding humor in things that are not real or meaningful.

Thinking institution's the solution
Believing that formal organizations or systems can solve problems.

While tyranny and irony float in its pollution
Even well-intentioned systems can create unintended negative consequences and contradictions.

Imagine reducing yourself to your name
Feeling limited by your own identity and struggling to see beyond it.

Janet, you've got no one else you can blame
It's pointless to blame others for your own limitations or shortcomings.

You've suck all your consciousness inside of your brain
Being too focused on your own thoughts and not experiencing the world around you.

So now you just shoot stuff inside of your veins
Turning to drugs to escape or cope with reality.

So go ahead and find your meaning
Search for your own purpose or definition of life.

With your methamphetamine
Even if it means using drugs to get there.

And once you can see that you've trapped all your grace
When you realize you've lost touch with your own goodness or vitality.

Maybe you'll join me and girl we can race
Join me in my fearless, liberated state and we can achieve great things together.

No streets, receipts
Free from the pressures and restrictions of society.

Off-beat heartbeats
Living life on your own rhythm.

Just window seats
Observing the world from a distance without feeling obligated to take part in it.

For free, for free
Freedom from the constraints of money and material possessions.

I've been here sixty years and I'm still not bored
Living life with a sense of adventure and discovery.

There's absolutely nothing that I can't afford
Having the mindset that anything is within reach.

And I've found that almost everything is made of cardboard
Realizing that many things in life are not as substantial or important as they seem.

And there's absolutely nothing I can't sing with weird chords
Feeling free to express yourself creatively without needing to conform to traditional rules or expectations.

Lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC, SUNDAE SONGS LLC
Written by: Ezekiel Michael Jose, Kinneret Klein

Lyrics Licensed & Provided by LyricFind

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