Can the hottest chilli in the world kill you?

Publish date: 2024-05-20

The Carolina Reaper is the official hottest pepper in the world is the with a reported over 2 million Scoville heat units. So, enough of this pepper in a short period of time can surely kill you.Click to see full answer. Correspondingly, can the hottest chilli kill you?The hottest pepper in the world is the bhut jolokia chili pepper, also known as the ghost pepper, and according to Dr. Paul Bosland, the man who discovered it, enough of this pepper in a short period of time can surely kill you. One does not need to nessesarily eat a ghost pepper to feel capsaicin’s wrath.Likewise, can eating something too spicy kill you? So yes, eating extremely spicy food can indeed hurt you. “A research study in 1980 calculated that three pounds of extreme chilies in powder form — of something like the Bhut Jolokia [known as ghost peppers] — eaten all at once could kill a 150-pound person. Similarly, can a Carolina Reaper kill you? No, eating Carolina Reapers or other superhot chili peppers will not kill you. However, it is possible to overdose on capsaicin, the chemical that makes chili peppers hot. One would need to eat more than 3 pounds of reapers to achieve this.Has anyone died from eating a ghost pepper?In 2016 a 47-year-old man had a brush with death after he tore his oesophagus by retching and straining after eating pureed ghost pepper.
