What weapon works best on Elden Beast?

Publish date: 2024-05-19

When facing the Elden Beast in Elden Ring, it is important to note that it is immune to status effects like bleed, poison, scarlet rot, and sleep. Additionally, it is strong against all elemental damage, including Holy damage.

However, there are still effective weapons that can be used against the Elden Beast. The Black Flame Blade is recommended as it has 0 resistance to fire-based attacks, and its Black Flame incantations deal additional percentage-based damage over time. Fire weapons, such as the Magma Blade and the Blasphemous Blade, are also strong choices.

It is advised to avoid using Holy damage against the Elden Beast, as it actually heals from this type of damage. Standard weapon damage will be the most effective against this boss.

What is the Elden Beast most weak to?

The Elden Beast is weak against fire-based attacks. Weapons like the Black Flame Blade, Magma Blade, and Blasphemous Blade are recommended against this boss. These weapons deal additional percentage-based damage over time and have no resistance from the Elden Beast.

Which Elden Beast remembrance weapon is better?

The Blasphemous Blade is considered the best Remembrance weapon against the Elden Beast in Elden Ring. It is not only because of its high Physical and Fire Damage but also because of its Unique Weapon Skill, Taker’s Flames. This skill allows the player to heal for 6.5% of their maximum health per enemy hit, making it extremely effective in sustaining during the fight.

What are the best tactics for Elden Beast?

When facing the Elden Beast in Elden Ring, it is important to employ the following tactics for success:

What is the best armor against Elden Beast?

The Crucible Tree Armor is considered the most effective armor against the Elden Beast in Elden Ring. This armor provides protection against Holy damage, which the Elden Beast is known to heal from.

How To Easily Defeat Radagon & Elden Beast – Elden Ring

To easily defeat Radagon and the Elden Beast in Elden Ring, it is recommended to follow the following strategies:

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Can you cheese the Elden Beast?

While the Elden Beast may not be the most difficult boss in Elden Ring, it is possible to use cheesing methods to make the fight easier. One viable strategy is to focus on heavy, high-damage attacks to its rear, as this can result in quicker success against the boss.

What weapons are good against Elden Beast and radagon?

When facing both the Elden Beast and Radagon in Elden Ring, it is recommended to use Black Flame Blade or other offensive Godskin incantations. Both bosses have 0 resistance to fire-based attacks, and Black Flame incantations deal additional percentage-based damage over time. Fire weapons such as the Magma Blade and the Blasphemous Blade are also strong choices.

Is Elden Beast immune to bleed?

Yes, the Elden Beast in Elden Ring is immune to bleed. Inflicting bleed damage will have no effect on this boss, so it is better to focus on other forms of damage when facing the Elden Beast.

What is the most efficient weapon in Elden Ring?

In Elden Ring, the most efficient weapons are:

What is the strongest weapon type in Elden Ring?

The strongest strength weapon type in Elden Ring is the Lance. It deals phenomenal damage while providing incredible range and poise-breaking power. However, it is best used with a greatshield to allow for blocking while poking the enemy.

Does scarlet rot work on Elden Beast?

No, scarlet rot does not work on the Elden Beast in Elden Ring. The Elden Beast is immune to status afflictions, including scarlet rot. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid using scarlet rot against the Elden Beast and focus on other forms of damage.

What is Elden Beast immune to?

The Elden Beast in Elden Ring is immune to all status effects and strong against all elemental damage. It does not get affected by status afflictions like bleed, poison, scarlet rot, or sleep. Additionally, it is resistant to Magic, Fire, and Lightning damage, although not to the point where these should be entirely avoided. Standard weapon damage is the most effective against the Elden Beast.

How to do a lot of damage to Elden Beast?

To deal a significant amount of damage to the Elden Beast in Elden Ring, it is recommended to use the charged up Black Flame Tornado skill and the incantation Pest Threads at close range. These abilities can deal considerable damage to the boss, and if timed correctly, can stagger the Elden Beast before it casts Elden Stars.

What’s the best straight sword in Elden Ring?

The top 10 best straight swords in Elden Ring are:

Is Elden Beast weak to black flame?

Yes, the Elden Beast in Elden Ring is weak against Black Flame. This substance was created to kill gods and is highly effective against the Elden Beast. The boss has no resistance to fire-based attacks, and Black Flame incantations deal additional percentage-based damage over time.

Is lightning good against Elden Beast?

No, lightning is not good against the Elden Beast in Elden Ring. The Elden Beast is actually healed by Holy damage, so it is advised to avoid using this type of attack. Instead, it is best to focus on standard weapon damage to maximize effectiveness against the boss.

Can you summon help for Elden Beast?

Unfortunately, you cannot summon NPCs for help when facing the Elden Beast in Elden Ring. However, you can use Spirit Ashes to assist you during the fight.

Is Elden Beast weak to poison?

No, poison is not effective against the Elden Beast in Elden Ring. The boss is immune to status effects like poison, making it ineffective as a strategy in this fight. It is best to focus on other forms of damage to defeat the Elden Beast.

Is Radagon the same as Elden Beast?

No, Radagon and the Elden Beast are two separate bosses in Elden Ring. After
