Albany Police Chief goes viral with Tik Tok video urging officers to continue to serve their communi

Publish date: 2024-05-19

The Village of Albany’s Police Chief is an internet sensation. He became a star on the popular social media platform known as Tik Tok.

Chief Wyatt Heyvaert has has stayed busy lately making Tik Tok video’s with his daughter. He recently made a video that went viral. In the video Chief Heyvaert was urging those in law enforcement to stay strong during these tough times.

“I put one out to keep encouraging law enforcement officers to be community caretakers to serve the communities with pride and mostly my main point of it was to honor those who have served before us that have made the ultimate sacrifice.”

In the video Chief Heyvaert recites the poem, A Sign Along The Road, which was written by Bob Welch and highlights one thing.

“The road signs along the highways and the interstates that have the name of a fallen trooper or a fallen police officer to signify that that piece of roadway was dedicated in their honor.”

385,000 views later, Chief Heyvaert went viral. He wanted to show that there are a lot of good cops out there and remind them that this is a calling to continue to serve the community.

“That was primarily one of the things that I kind of wanted to kind of re instill in those who are out there and who still wear the badge and uniform is that you did it for your communities.” Said Chief Heyvaert. “You took the oath for your communities.”

Chief Heyvaert says that what happened to George Floyd is unacceptable and he wants all of the good cops out there to continue to serve their community.

“There are so many good public servants serving today and there are so many people that do their jobs with pride and serve the communities with pride.”
