Who is Boris Nikolic, Bill Gates advisor who allegedly introduced Mila Antonova to Jeffrey Epstei

Publish date: 2024-05-18

Boris Nikolic is connected to the outrage including Jeffrey Epstein and Entryways’ supposed undertaking with Mila Antonova
Nikolic acquainted Antonova with Epstein in 2013, while she looked for subsidizing for a web-based span stage, adds interest to the outrage
The genuine degree of Nikolic’s inclusion and his association with the undertaking and coercion stays questionable

In the midst of the outrage encompassing Bill Entryways’ supposed issue with Mila Antonova and the ensuing extortion by Jeffrey Epstein, the job of Boris Nikolic, Doors’ counselor and Epstein partner, has gone under examination.

A doctor by calling, Boris Nikolic finished his postdoctoral preparation at Harvard Clinical School, where he likewise filled in as an associate teacher. He later turned into a confided in counselor to Bill Entryways, offering direction on science and innovation matters. Presently, Nikolic stands firm on the footing of prime supporter and overseeing chief at Biomatics Capital, a conspicuous medical services and life sciences adventure effective financial planning firm.

In 2019, Nikolic, a famous biotech financial speculator and previous boss consultant for science and innovation to Bill Entryways, ended up suddenly named in Jeffrey Epstein’s will. In an explanation, Nikolic communicated his shock and affirmed that he was neither counseled nor ready to satisfy the obligations as replacement agent of Epstein’s bequest. Court records uncover that Nikolic never documented a promise of eagerness to serve, in contrast to the next named agents.

Pictured: Jes Staley, Larry Summers, Jeffrey Epstein, Bill Gates and Boris Nikolic. Nikolic in the right of the frame was an advisor to Gates and the person who introduced Mila Antonova to Epstein in 2013 when she was trying to raise funds for an online bridge platform pic.twitter.com/B78GJr7P4v

— News News News (@NewsNew97351204) May 21, 2023

The supposed issue among Doors and Mila Antonova, a lady acquainted with Epstein by Nikolic in 2013, structures a pivotal component of this outrage. Antonova, at that point, looked for financing for a web-based span stage. It is guaranteed that Epstein took advantage of his insight into the undertaking to extort Doors. The complexities of this issue, its effect on Doors’ own life and notoriety, and the elements between the central participants keep on enrapturing public consideration.

As the adventure encompassing Bill Entryways’ supposed undertaking and Epstein’s coercion unfurls, Boris Nikolic arises as a huge figure. While he eagerly denied any association in Epstein’s exercises and communicated shock at being remembered for Epstein’s will, his association with Entryways and Antonova brings up additional issues.

The genuine degree of Nikolic’s job in this embarrassment remains covered in secret, adding one more layer of interest to an all around complex account.
