What Happened To Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus? Vancouver Times Fake News Explained

Publish date: 2024-05-18

Vancouver Time reported that the WHO chief is detained for atrocities against people.

Interpol has arrested Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the current head of the World Health Organization (WHO), and he is being held in jail for crimes against humanity and genocide.

Police departments around the world have started pursuing politicians, businesspeople, and corporate executives for their involvement in the “plandemic” and for pushing harmful vaccines on the general populace.

A 2020 conspiracy theory video and movie, titled Plandemic: The Hidden Agenda Behind Covid-19 and Plandemic: Indoctornation, respectively. Both of these Mikki Willis productions spread false information concerning the COVID-19 epidemic.

Ghebreyesus was recently the subject of an Interpol arrest order, and he was apprehended while attempting to flee to Africa on an aircraft while carrying a sizable sum of cash and pricey jewelry. He is being moved to Holland so he can face justice for his actions. He could receive the death penalty if proven guilty.

Because of his advocacy for the risky, unproven Covid-19 vaccine, Ghebreyesus has already received calls for his arrest prior to this. The media has been withholding from the public the fact that the vaccine has caused thousands of deaths globally.

Ghebreyesus also frequently violates human rights. One of the many persons who publicly campaigned for his arrest is right-wing libertarian John Ruddick. Under Ghebreyesus’ supervision, millions of Africans have already perished.
