Meet The Ultimate Warriors Daughters; Mattigan Twain and Indiana Marin Warrior

Publish date: 2024-05-18

Indiana Marin and Mattigan Twain Warrior are daughters of The Ultimate Warrior and Dana Viale, who are both considered WWE royalty. The incredible sisters have chosen not to follow in the footsteps of their parents as regards pursuing a career in wrestling. 

Moreover, their father, the Ultimate Warrior, is one of the most popular wrestlers of all time. He had received great acclaim for his work in wrestling, but his legacy is one that has extended beyond his life and has affected the lives of his daughters, who are now celebrities. Even though their father is dead, their mother continues to give them all the support they need to live a good life.

The Ultimate Warrior’s Daughters are the Offsprings of WWE Royalty

In 1999, Ultimate Warrior got married for a second time, and this time, it was to Dana Viale, who is also WWE royalty. The two of them had built very successful careers in wrestling. The Ultimate Warrior is widely recognized for how influential he was in wrestling. The amount of work he did to solidify his fame and foray into bodybuilding was the foundation upon which his career in sports was built.

A career in Wrestling also came with its own controversies, and The Warrior was no stranger to some of these controversies. He was known for his homophobic statements and the legal battle he got into with the World Wrestling Federation over the adoption of Warrior as his legal name, which is carried on all his documents and borne by all his children. Warrior had a strained relationship with the World Wrestling Foundation and World Wrestling Entertainment companies. Regardless of this, he was still able to make a name for himself.

Dana Warrior (nee Viale), the mother of his two daughters (Indiana Marin and Mattigan Twain Warrior), is also WWF royalty. Viale was a bodybuilder, model, and professional wrestler. She also went by the names The Warrior Princess and The Warrior Queen as a result of her affiliation with the Ultimate Warrior. She is still an ambassador of WWE to this day and runs the Ultimate Creations company started by her husband when he started to make comics. This is what she does for work.

The couple got married in 1999 on the 31st of January. In the next year, they had their first daughter, Indiana, and 2 years after, Mattigan was born. This was Warrior’s second marriage, as he had been married to Shari Lynn Tyree. The two were together for almost a decade, and she was his wife for most of his wrestling career.

Indiana is Ultimate Warrior’s First Daughter

The Warrior children grew up out of the spotlight and lead very private lives even to date. There is not a lot of information available on the life of Indiana. It is not clear what she studied at the university or what she does for work.

This mystery also extends to her romantic life; she is believed to have been involved with people in the past, but there is no information on who has been with her or if she is with anybody.

Unlike her parents, Indiana Warrior has taken a step back from the WWF/WWE and the bodybuilding industry. What she does for work is unknown, but if her social media is anything to go by, Indiana has no interest in the physical activities that solidified her parent’s legacy.

In 2021, this Warrior daughter announced that she had graduated from the New Mexico School for the Arts.

Mattigan is the Younger Daughter

Mattigan Twain Warrior is the second daughter from the union between Ultimate Warrior and his second wife, Dana Viale. There is not a lot of information on the other members of the Warrior family, and as such, there is not a lot to be known about her early life.

Mattigan is believed to be a student at Arizona State University, where she is a member of the Kappa Kappa Gamma Sorority. This lack of information on her life also extends to her adult life.

From all indications, Mattie, as she is fondly called, is just like her sister in the sense that she has not taken up the bodybuilding or wrestling mantle that her parents had dropped upon retiring. As she is still a student, it seems that all Mattigan is focused on right now is her education and the work she does in her sorority.

Ultimate Warrior’s Daughters Grew Up in Wealth

Indiana Marin and Mattigan Twain Warrior led very sheltered lives as they grew up. There is not a lot of information on the type of childhood they had or what schools they attended. However, it suffices to say that the girls did not want much as they grew up.

They spent their childhoods in comfort as their parents were already pretty wealthy when they were born, especially their father, who already had a range of businesses that he was engaged in, including public speaking and writing. This is asides from the money he got from the many ads that he was doing.

They Lost their Father at Young Ages

In 2014 on the 8th of April, 3 days after he had been inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame, Warrior died. He had a heart attack the day before, which led to his death. When he died, Indiana Marin and Mattigan Twain Warrior were aged 14 and 12, respectively.

While there is not a lot of information available on their early lives, it is safe to assume that they had healthy relationships with him, especially as he retired from wrestling a few years before Indiana was born, giving him enough time to spend with his daughters. He was, however, unable to be in their lives for most of their adult years.

His death was really impactful for the family and the general wrestling community, as he had been one of the more popular wrestlers in the sport. Their mother, on the other hand, seems like a doting mother. She has tried to be both mother and father to their daughters, raising them in an exemplary way.

Dana is also prone to dropping comments on her daughters’ Instagram posts, talking about how beautiful they are and how much she loves them, an act that they also reciprocate. The girls lead a comfortable life even now, as their father had significant investments that are still yielding returns and catering to their needs.
