Was Michael K. Williams married? Relationship with Tasha Smith explored

Publish date: 2024-05-17

Actor Michael K. Williams passed away on September 6. He was found surrounded by paraphernalia in his Brooklyn apartment.

In an interview with The Sun, NYPD officials said,

“Michael was found dead by a relative around 2 pm today at his Kent Avenue apartment in Brooklyn. He was alone when he was discovered. Illegal paraphernalia was found in the apartment. The medical examiner is currently investigating his cause of death.”

The Boardwalk Empire actor was 54 at the time of his death. He was found dead in the living room of his Kent Avenue penthouse in Brooklyn, New York.

The cause of death is unclear, but since paraphernalia was found in his apartment, it is suspected he might have died because of an overdose.

Michael K. Williams marriage and dating rumor explored

Michael K. Williams was unmarried (Image via Getty Images)

Michael K. Williams was not married. However, he was linked to actress Tasha Smith after she shared a picture of them in 2019. Smith wrote in the caption that nothing makes her happier and added that he is the love of her life and gives her goosebumps.

The Wire actress shared a series of pictures with Michael in December 2020 with a birthday message. He posted the same photo on his Instagram in 2019. The status of their relationship has not been made clear to the public since then.

Tasha Smith is a well-known actress, director, and producer. She started her career with the NBC comedy series Boston Common and later appeared in many films and television series. She played a recurring role as Carol Holloway on the Fox musical drama series Empire in 2015 and made her directorial debut the same year.

Meanwhile, Michael K. Williams was famous for his appearances on the HBO drama series, The Wire, and Boardwalk Empire. He received praise for his role as Jack Gee in the HBO telefilm biopic Bessie.

Apart from these, he played supporting roles in several films and television series.

Tasha Williams has not yet commented on anything about his death.

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